Blog ENG - Peoplix

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What company culture is the best?

In traditional textbooks for managers there are several circumstances considered that makes companies successful. As the most important factors are believed to be the following:

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Education for managers 2.0

A boss has three roles in an organisation: expert, manager and leader. In different positions and companies the focus can be different. However, each of them is always represented

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Feedback and performance

“I want to give you my feedback”. Have you heard this from your boss? I guess, you were not be very optimistic then. The word “feedback” is often used instead of much harder expression

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Coaching as a manager tool

In work we feel motivated when our assignment has a meaning and when we can see results of our effort. As a leader, your assignment is providing others with support and helping them to perform

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This book will help you and your business become more efficient and powerful and at the same time become a place where people like to work. It is intended for all those who lead people or are in charge of personnel development. You will learn how to measure things as unreachable as company culture, motivation and behaviour of people. On a few examples, you will see how easy and straightforward the obtained results can be used in practice. Here’s how to create motivated and powerful teams.